Big Food Faces its Big Tobacco Moment in the Face of Syndemic

#SugarHate threatens Tony the Tiger with extinction

Big Food is confronting its Big Tobacco moment as we face the emerging global syndemic of obesity, undernutrition and climate change. 

A syndemic – a synergy of epidemics – creates major problems for us when the combined negativity is multiplied. Experts expect the effects of climate change to compound the impacts of obesity and undernutrition.

And when we see such horror before us with no obvious escape route, human nature dictates we must find someone to blame. Drag in the global food industry. It’s long overdue for a beating for feeding us a little too much over the past decades – all those delicious dehydrated mac ‘n cheese, fatty biscuits, zingy pesto sauces and microwave meals.  

If you have ever had the misfortune of eating a holier-than-thou breakfast cereal from the health food store you’ll have an acute understanding of the predicament now facing the processed food industry.

When the salt, sugar and fat is removed from packaged foodstuffs, the result is a tasteless offering that most dogs would avoid. What can the industry do to change things before the politicians legislate a bland, umami-free world?  The laws are most definitely coming. The UK’s Labour Party’s anti-obesity proposals include the banning of cartoon characters, such as Coco the Monkey and Tony the Tiger, to prevent kids being tempted by sugary cereals. The Lancet commission – which has warned of the impending global syndemic – wants a global treaty which would commit countries to combat malnutrition and obesity. The treaty is modelled on the UN convention on, you guessed it, tobacco.

Learning from Big Tobacco

Maybe the food industry can learn from Big Tobacco and its long-term survival plan. Its strategy is called “reduced harm” and the logic behind it is sound. It goes something like this. We know we lied to you for decades about the dangers of our products but now we admit that smoking is terribly bad for you. Forgive us for our past sins, for we are only human.

Humans desire stimulants and we know that people just love nicotine. What’s more, we feel it would be better for all those nicotine cravings to be met by a legitimate, regulated, taxable business such as ours. After all, no one wants it to go underground, like the untaxable dope and cocaine industry with its children on corners, knives and spilled blood on the streets.

Big Tobacco’s big plan is to deliver nicotine with dramatically less risk of harm. Vaping is one option but die-hard smokers find it unsatisfying. It lacks that wonderful feeling of hot smoke hitting the back of the throat. That’s why “heat-not-burn” cigarettes have been invented where the tobacco is warmed sufficiently to give you that hit but without the hundreds of toxins produced when the leaf combusts.

The tobacco industry is spending big on getting the medical profession and health ministers behind this argument. You can see it working in Europe with vaping getting official blessing. Japan and other countries are happy for “heat-not-burn” cigarettes to be marketed. And it looks like Big Tobacco is finally coming in from the cold with the boisterous presence of André Calantzopoulos, chief executive of Philip Morris International, networking furiously at Davos this year.

Reduced harm food

Is “reduced harm” a way forward for processed food?  It sounds ridiculous to be talking about food in terms of harm but maybe this is what the processed food industry needs to admit.  Once it has accepted that many of its products are bad for us if consumed as staples, it can reposition itself in the market before the politicians issue the death warrant. Let’s face it, much of the over-processed food hawked by the industry would sit comfortably with confectionary in the “treats” aisle.   

With the help of Big Food maybe we can return to the days when sweet cereals were consumed at weekends – as a treat – and the over-salted ready meals are eaten when time is genuinely short, not because we are simply so hopeless at cooking fresh food.

This scenario depends on consumers reconnecting with their food and treating it as a celebration rather than a zingy fuel. A major re-positioning of Big Food would certainly threaten profits in the short term.  But those could be reconstituted quickly if it used science, the brilliance of its food technologists and creativity of its marketers to help us eat well without lumbering our societies with ruinous healthcare costs. In other words, by positioning itself as promoters of reduced harm eating.

This change could certainly help us see off the impending syndemic.  And we could save Tony the Tiger for the (weekend) breakfast table.

SIG Combibloc goes Way Beyond Good

Context client SIG Combibloc has launched an ambitious new strategy to go Way Beyond Good by contributing more to the environment and society than it takes out.

One of the world’s leading providers of food and beverage carton packaging, SIG has set the bar high by embedding a series of bold ambitions on responsibility within the business strategy, its Corporate Compass. Its net positive commitment focuses on three key areas: being a responsible company with responsible products that are sourced responsibly.

SIG’s first Corporate Responsibility Report – produced in accordance with the GRI G4 guidelines Core option – sets out progress in 2016 against a clear roadmap of goals for 2020 and 2030.


GSK responds to SDG ratification: a guest blog from Jon Pender, GSK

The adoption of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development at the UN Summit in New York last week marks a key milestone for those working to improve global health.

It provides an opportunity to reflect on the major progress in health that has been achieved over the past 15 years – especially in the areas of childhood mortality, HIV/AIDS and malaria. But it also highlights the key challenges that remain, for example around non-communicable diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, and achieving Universal Health Coverage. The progress that has been achieved is still fragile and many health systems remain vulnerable as so tragically demonstrated by the impact of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

As a science-led global healthcare company, GSK’s mission is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer.   We strive to achieve both innovation and access by investing in the development of new medicines and vaccines and pursuing collaborative partnerships to ensure they reach the millions of people around the world who need them, regardless of where they live, or their ability to pay.

Health is explicitly included as the third goal: “ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages”.   It is underpinned by targets that cover a wide range of health issues from maternal and child health to environmental health.  Although each of the new 17 global goals is focused on a different issue, such as poverty, hunger, education, sanitation, gender equality and economic prosperity, it is important to recognise that health underpins almost every development theme and SDG, each of which enable – or is enabled – by advances in population health. So, as the development agenda expands under the SDGs, now is the time to increase the focus on health.

Acknowledging that many of the goals overlap and are inter-dependent in nature, we are aware of the strong links between climate and health. One immediate impact of climate change is the inevitable exacerbation of existing health problems.  Another is the way disease patterns will be altered and new illnesses will affect  unprotected communities, requiring greater stockpiling of medicines and vaccines for use in pandemic situations. Equally, more frequent extreme weather events will also require more provision for disaster relief and the need for business supply chains and distribution networks to be robust enough to withstand such disruption.

By their very nature, the SDGs will present tough and ambitious global targets. But as the  ‘what’ is agreed, collective action must turn to ‘how’ they might be achieved. The global debate will now turn into local Member State discussions around implementation. We believe business has an essential part to play in meeting these goals – indeed without it the ambition is unlikely to be fully realised.  With this in mind, a willingness among all actors to  collaborate,  innovate and be solutions-focused is  going to be essential.
For its part, GSK is fully committed to realising this new holistic development agenda in a way that meets the shared goals of industry, government and others.  But we firmly recognise that the SDGs will only be met if we can work together in cross-sector collaborative partnerships.

So, it will be great to see this set of new global goals – that will be applicable to everyone, everywhere – agreed.  Then comes the hard part – collaborating between the right organisations and people, at the right time in the right places to achieve them.

Three examples of how some of GSK’s work is already supporting the SDGs

1. Supporting health workers in Least Developed Countries – 5 years on

Strengthening health systems and increasing access to healthcare are part of GSK’s commitment to delivering its responsible business model in the world’s poorest countries. The reinvestment of 20% of our profits from sales in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) helps us play our part in generating sustainable economic development. The primary focus of this reinvestment programme is to improve the healthcare infrastructure in those countries through the training of frontline, health workers, who are vital to ensuring people even in the most remote areas can access the care and treatment they need.  To date £21 million of LDC profits have been re-invested across 35 countries. This has enabled the training of 40,000 frontline health workers to reach some 11 million people. Key to the success of the programme is the local expertise of our three non-governmental organisation (NGO) partners – Save the Children in West and Central Africa, Yemen and Haiti Amref Health Africa and CARE International in Asia, who work with country ministries of health to deliver the programme on the ground.  In 2014 we committed to expanding the programme to non-LDCs in sub-Saharan Africa and aim to have a programme in every country by the end of 2016.

2. Malaria – 30-year journey to develop a potential vaccine

Developing countries have a pressing need for new tools for the fight against malaria, yet they are the very countries that can least afford to pay for them.  Following over 30 years of research, GSK’s malaria candidate vaccine, MosquirixTM (RTS,S) has received a positive opinion from European regulators for the prevention of malaria in young children in sub-Saharan Africa.  GSK has committed to a not-for-profit price for RTS,S so that, if approved, the price of RTS,S would cover the cost of manufacturing together with a small return of around five percent that will be reinvested in research and development for second-generation malaria vaccines, or vaccines against other neglected tropical diseases.  The World Health Organisation (WHO) is assessing how the world’s first malaria vaccine candidate might be used alongside other tools to prevent malaria.

3. Ebola

2014 saw a critical public health emergency with the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, killing over 10,000 people.  GSK was one of the first organisations to respond; providing humanitarian support to affected regions and accelerating the development of our Ebola candidate vaccine.  Due to well established relationships and good communications with NGO partners including Save the Children (STC), Direct Relief and AmeriCares, GSK was able to respond quickly, facilitating the provision of basic medical supplies and equipment on the ground in the affected countries.  We also formed an unprecedented international consortium including the Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) to accelerate the development of our Ebola candidate vaccine. Our support enabled Save the Children and our other partners to reach 870,000 people across Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone with medical treatment and education/awareness programmes; helping people understand how to prevent the disease.  Some of the lessons learned from that time have informed and deepened GSK’s and our partners’ ability to respond to unprecedented humanitarian disasters and the need for continued investment in improving weak healthcare systems.


Click here for more information on how GlaxoSmithKline are tackling sustainable development challenges.

About our Guest blogger:

Jon Pender

JON PENDER   |   Vice President, Government Affairs, IP & Access, GlaxoSmithKline

Jon Pender is Vice President, IP & Access, Global Health in GSK’s Government Affairs Department. He is responsible for ensuring that GSK’s approach to sustainably improving access to medicines in the developing world reaches as many people in need as possible, whilst protecting the fundamental business model which underpins the research-based pharmaceutical industry.

Jon has participated in a number of hearings, workshops, seminars, evidence sessions and other events on access to medicines and partnership issues including at the UK Parliament, European Parliament and Commission, UN, World Bank, WTO and the WHO – and was most recently in New York for the adoption of the SDGs.

Jon works with a wide-range of stakeholders including governments, NGOs, multilateral agencies, investors and the media, and represents GSK at a number of international organisations such as the WHO and WTO.  He is the Board Member for the Private Sector at the Roll Back Malaria Board and also regularly attends the Board Meetings of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS TB and Malaria and. He is Chair of the CBI’s WTO Working Group and the IFPMA’s Global Health Committee and co-Chairs the UK’s Industry Government Forum on Access to Medicines (IGFAM).