Sustainability Reporting, the Smart Way

by | May 1, 2019 | Blog

Today, Sonos published their Fiscal Year 2018 Sustainability Report. It has everything you would expect a tech company to cover, from product design to inclusion and diversity to supply chain responsibility. But what makes this report different? It’s only 25 pages.

Sonos wanted to create a report that people would actually read. But it also needed to be accurate and transparent.

The solution? A Smart Report. It has everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

Below are key features of the report that not only make the shorter format effective but make it an overall interesting read. 

Material issues

Sonos only included topics that are both important to their business and to their stakeholders. Staying true to these material issues kept peripheral content out of the report.  

KPI dashboard

A key aspect of the report is the one-page key performance indicator dashboard which tracks their performance and goals. This approach communicates a lot of information in a digestible format. It’s easily updated throughout the year so they can share quarterly progress in between sustainability reports. 

Strategic content

Each subsection is organized the same way: Approach, Performance, Goals (if applicable), and Future Plans. Keeping the content consistent across sections provides a concise but comprehensive description of each material topic.

Case studies

The stories are short but help to humanize their program, adding depth to the ‘Approach, Performance, Goals, Future Plans’ structure described above.

Interested in turning your conventional report into a Smart Report? Email me at

Lisa Nelson

Lisa Nelson

(she/her/hers) Lisa is COO of Context America, she enjoys making the complex simple when it comes to sustainability communications. When she’s not in the office you can find her on a run or hike with her two black labs.



